So late only get to update my blog because the cable at my housing area in my hometown during the Chinese New Year was stolen (don't know by which moron)...haha... Now back in UPSI, so trying to update as frequently as possible but was too busy...huhu...
A new year for the Chinese... New year... New appearance of me... New bed sheet for me (haha...puppy love, suit me yea)... Hopefully everything will be going on fine for me throughout this year but then it really will be a very veryhectic and sleepless yearI guess...
Back at Ayer Tawar from UPSI at 3:05 p.m. on the 12th of February 2010. Then on that night was busy helping out on some preparation for the"makan besar"...
Some preparation... On the13th of February 2010,having the "makan besar" with my parents and siblings... Haha...really like it, once in a year having so many types of food for the 6 of us. Thank you mom for preparing the food for us... Mom's cooking is always the best... Nyum...nyum...really enjoy the food... (the most enjoying moments for me during the CNY)