This semester I'm taking theorienteering subject. So, one of our assignments is tomake a control marker(12 inches x 12 inches)on our own.
Was completing this taskthat day during the raya breakon the 23rd of September 2009 because need to hand in to the lecturer for evaluation after the break.
Just need some equipments in doing it... --> White colour cloth --> Orange colour cloth --> Scissors (cutting the cloth of course) --> Ruler (for measurement) --> Sewing machine --> Wire (for the shaping of the control marker)
Lazy to explain step by step,so I just put up thephotos all the way of the processof making the control marker yea... Oh yea, the most difficult part was the shaping part of the wire because that wire is of the hard type and reallymade me mad of shaping it...hehe...
White and orange colour cloth... Cutting into pieces of triangle shape... Combining both the white and orange triangle... Combining the combined white and orange triangle into one piece... Shaping part (using the damn hard wire)...'s done... After I hadfinished doing it,my mom said:"Can be used as lantern for the Mooncake Festival..." Haha...afterI looked at it,yeah do look like a lantern...:-)
Althoughnot very perfectbut it's agood achievement for me of completing it and not too bad actually,my own handmade... ;-)
Have some break from assignments to update my blog... :-) Well, on the 1st day of raya (20 September 2009-Sunday) was so busy with my handphone messaging the MESATIAN 2004 regarding house visitation on the 2nd day of raya.
On the 2nd day of raya(21 September 2009-Monday), there were altogether 13 of us(me, my sister, Shahnaz, Surianti, Uma Sakthi, Alan, Keh Jiun, Siew Loong, Yusri, Hamdan, Fitri, Azahar and Zarul)"beraya" from morning till evening using 4 cars.
Started our trip at10:30am from Ayer Tawar,stop by and take Uma on the way to our first destination which is at Cikgu Keflee's house. Reached his house at about 10:45am and spent almost one hour there.
At Cikgu Keflee's house... By11:40am we reached Hamdan's housethen waited for Azahar and Zarul before we continued our trip to Seri Manjung. Viewing Hamdan's engagement photos while waiting for them.
At Hamdan's house... After Azahar and Zarul had arrived and finished taking "lemang", wedeparted around 12:25pmto Cikgu Amir's house in Seri Manjung. There were lots of vehicles all the way to Seri Manjung and we weredriving our cars like mad people...hohoho...especially Siew Loong... By 12:55pm we reached at our third destination and Cikgu Amir treated us with laksa...
At Cikgu Amir's house... Finished taking the laksa, some chat with Cikgu Amir and photo session, then we moved on to our next stop which was back to Ayer Tawar. Wedeparted at 1:45pmand reached Surianti's house at about 2:15pm. Surianti treated us with mee goreng and only the guys taking it because the girls were still feeling full after taking the laksa. Before going on to Shahnaz's house, as usual, photo taking...hehe...
At Surianti's house... Arrived at Shahnaz's house by 2:50pm and we were treated with mee soto... Haha...everyone had a try on her mom's cooking and it was so nice. Some of the guys even went on for a few rounds...hahaha...
At Shahnaz's house... Finally, to ourlast destination which isAndik Nurain's house. We reached at 4:00pm and everybodywas very full,so could not fill in food anymore. So we just chit chatting at there and before everyone went back home,some crazy stuff during the photo session...haha...
At Andik Nurain's house... By 4:50pm everybody went back home, I sent Shahnaz, Surianti and Uma back to their home. Although very very tiredbut I was so happyget to meet up with my schoolmates and had fun together visiting from house to house... Hope that every year we get to gather especially during festive season...
Hmm...a weird title here I guess... Well, it was something happened during the lastkayak class which was on10 September 2009(last Thursday).
Before go on to the topic of "Left One Side", thestory actually beganduring our kayak journeyfrom the Teratak View Village to Ulu Keling at Sungai Samak. We were having a kayak expedition and there were a few obstacles which we have to go through all the way down the river to our targetted area.
Everything was going on well for me all the week kayaking at the river. But thenlast weekwas the first experience for me and actually kinda interesting and I learned something...
So for thefirst time I capsized... You people know what??? It wasnot at the areaof wave or holebut was at fast flowing calm water... Haha...this is funny because capsized at fast flowing calm water...!!!
Why I capsized??? It was because I wanted toavoid a tree that was blocking my waybut I was avoiding it on the wrong direction. Was suppose to lean my body over the tree but I done it the opposite way, that's why I capsized...
It was a nice experience for me, luckily that I wasnot panicand managed to pull the toggle of my spraycover under the waterand got out of the capsized kayak. After getting out,my leg can't reach the earth man... So relaxed myself, let my body float and let the water flow bring me to a shallow and calm water area...
Then only I can reached the earth, walked towards my kayak and cleared out the water trapped inside my kayak...huhu...kinda heavy to do it on my own...'s the part about "Left One Side"...
At the area where we gathered, I was clearing the trapped water inside my kayak. Then there was one of my friend also capsized, they managed to pull her kayak to the side but with some water flow, it got carried away little by little...
I am the nearest person to the kayak,so I wanted to pull that kayak to the sidebut the sandal I was wearing was being sucked by the sand... At that moment, I was like...hey,the kayak is moving awayand my sandal was being pulled by the sucking sand...
At last I lost one side of my sandal and the kayak got carried away but there's another friend went towards it and pull to the side. Then, Itried to find my sandal...searching and searching and was not around...
It's a plastic sandal and suppose to float up on the water surface right...but then it did not appear...haha... So what can I say is,that sandal was being pulled and sucked by the weird and funny...
What to do, my leg was of small size and it was a bit loose so was easily being sucked away...hahaha...
Now left with only one side (keep it as memory)...haha... So I bought another pair of other type to replace it...huhu...
Usually and normally it only took about 2 hoursor2 hours and 10 minutes of a journey fromAyer Tawar to Tanjung Malim. But yesterday (31 August 2009) it took me2 hours and 30 minutes to reach Tanjung Malim from Ayer Tawar.
First of all, I had to goback to Ayer Tawarbecause of the dentist appointment(take off my braces on 29 August 2009) travelled back to hometown on Friday (28 August 2009) night at 7:15p.m. after the ko-olahraga class and yeah only took 2 hours to reach home.
Ok, the main problem leading me to the longer journey than usual was because of the3km traffic jamat Bidor. This is due to a lot of people were on the way back to Kuala Lumpur after a long weekend off (National Day on Monday). Was driving a manual car, so, tired ofpressing the clutch lar...
Now this isanother story, unrelated to this two and a half hours journey. While on my way back to Tanjung Malim, if I'm not mistaken started from Kg. Gajah. There wasthis car ahead of me,this fellowkeep on brakingand brakingand braking without reason at some minor winding road. Then from Tapah Road towards Tapah, even more braking from this fellow because of the narrow and winding road. Come on lar...not a 90 degrees cornering... My god, very frustrating and fed up following behind this car. This fellow speed kinda fast but then fail lar at winding road andguess what??? The driveris a GUY...!!!
Just wanna voice out that, unnecessary braking will also causes accidents to happen. So, don't break without reason lar...