So, one of our assignments is to make a control marker (12 inches x 12 inches) on our own.
Was completing this task that day during the raya break on the 23rd of September 2009 because need to hand in to the lecturer for evaluation after the break.
Just need some equipments in doing it...
--> White colour cloth
--> Orange colour cloth
--> Scissors (cutting the cloth of course)
--> Ruler (for measurement)
--> Sewing machine
--> Wire (for the shaping of the control marker)
Lazy to explain step by step, so I just put up the photos all the way of the process of making the control marker yea...
Oh yea, the most difficult part was the shaping part of the wire because that wire is of the hard type and really made me mad of shaping it...hehe...
White and orange colour cloth...

Cutting into pieces of triangle shape...

Combining both the white and orange triangle...

Combining the combined white and orange triangle into one piece...

Shaping part (using the damn hard wire)...'s done...

After I had finished doing it, my mom said: "Can be used as lantern for the Mooncake Festival..."
Haha...after I looked at it, yeah do look like a lantern... :-)
Although not very perfect but it's a good achievement for me of completing it and not too bad actually, my own handmade... ;-)
nice..not just as lantern but can also be used to put clothes, rubbishes, etc..^multipurpose^
'multipurpose'...but cannot put clothes or rubbishes etc lor coz it's a go thru space inside...
huhu, nice lantern yunloi, btw, like the pic of u sewing the like mummy..>.<....
nah, i'm so bad, wakakaka^^
huhuhu...look like a lantern rite...
hehe...know little bit lor basic de, not pro lar...
by the way, November we'll meet again in our YTAR camp...
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