Saturday, August 30, 2008
Basic Gymnastics Skill Video (Lombol Pencuri)
We were required to make a video on how to teach school students perform basic gymnastics skill step by step. This is one of the basic skill in gymnastics and was done by my group. Other basic skills were done by other group, I'll upload if I have time to do so...(it's in Malay language...).
I Feel Good...
Also learned new skills yesterday and after that having some practice with our lecturer. But we finished early yesterday because raining, so we dismissed at 5pm (suppose to be until 6pm). Felt hungry so went to the restaurant opposite our uni main entrance, had our dinner there and also chit chatting at the same time (it's kinda early actually to have dinner at that time). We chatted kinda lots of things there and were laughing like mad people...hahaha... (it's a good chance for us to sit down and laugh together as we seldom meet because of the different timetable and different course taken).
After that, planned to go back to our hostel around 6:10pm. So we walked back into our uni and passed by the tennis court again. My friend saw her members were playing tennis there and asked me to join them. At the same time can practice and improve the skills that we've learned. We were too eager to practice and play at the same time, so we don't care about our filled stomach anymore...hahaha... (crazy right...hehe...). We were enjoying ourselves playing tennis together with those people and we were laughing around as well... We played until 7:30pm and we went back to hostel.
I felt really very fresh and was enjoying myself of having my very first physical activity since I didn't have any physical activities after my appendicitis surgery (although tired...). Just now morning also had another activity which is my favourite sports (badminton-co curricular activity) and I'm loving it because get to hold my badminton racquet again after a long rest. The activity ended at 10am and went back to hostel, packed some of my stuff and started driving again back to Ayer Tawar because got things to be done.
Well, it's Merdeka eve today...I don't think I have any program, so just Merdeka at home with lots of assignments to be done and presentations to be prepared. Anyway I really feel good at the moment after getting back to my physical activities. That's all...gotta do my assignments and lastly wish everyone a Happy Merdeka...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Majlis Amanat Kemerdekaan
Departed at 2:30pm and reached the Hotel Residence, UNITEN about 3:45pm or 4pm like that (can't remember). So checked in to our room and had some rest because the schedule was dinner at 7:30pm and briefing at 8:30pm. Well, nothing to do so just rest and took some photo from my room.

Then it's 7:30pm, went down to the dining hall and had dinner together with all other universities friends. All of us was very happy because get to meet again and was enjoying ourselves during the meal, chit chat and took some photograph as well. After dinner, we had a briefing session about the programme for the next day (26 August 2008).
Darren (UUM), Chia Mun (UUM), Ai Hwei (UUM)
Yew Chuan (UDM), Chun Hong (UKM), Darren (UUM)

Yun Loi (UPSI)-that's me, Ting Yee (MMU), Sue Ying (UKM)
Gotta wake up early on 26 August 2008 and have our breakfast at 6:30am then get onto the bus before 7:30am to avoid the traffic jam heading to UPM. We were ready to have breakfast at 6:30am but the meal was not ready yet so we need to wait for a while for them to get the breakfast ready as soon as possible. While waiting...photograph session again with some friends...haha...

"That's me in the baju kebaya moden...with friends from UUM"
After taking our breakfast, we depart to UPM and there were a few of us that didn't get to board the bus as it could only bring 44 people so the 6 of us followed Dr Tengku Ab Aziz and En Jamhari. We took our seat according to the name list when reached the hall of PKKSSAAS in UPM and waited for the function to start. While waiting of course I was busy taking some photographs... hehe...

"This is the view of the stage"
"This is where we were seated"

"Here's another view..."
"Hm...additional effect of the photo...haha...(because of the shaking hands)"
The function started at about 8:45am if I'm not mistaken. Started with a few songs (Negara Ku, Kecemerlangan Pengajian Tinggi and Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan) then prayers and speech of independence by the Minister of Higher Education. About 9:30am, presentation of Tunku Abdul Rahman scholarship by the minister to the recipients followed by multimedia presentation of Malaysia higher education before and after the independence, poem recital by Y.Brs Dr. Lim Swee Tin (Deruan Angin Ogos & Ceritera Sebuah Perjuangan) and lastly sing along (Merdeka song-Tanggal 31). This function ended at 10:30am and we had photograph session before went back.

I missed a few photograph session with a bunch of friends because my ex-form six classmates met me there and we were busy chit chatting. We have not seen each other since the last time when we took our STPM result in school in 2007. Then it's time for me to board the bus and get back to the hotel to check out. My classmates even accompanied me to the bus (so nice...) and bid farewell to them when I was about to get into the bus.
Well, that's all about the two busy days I went through directly after my mid sem break. So I want to take the opportunity here to congratulate all my friends that were successful of getting the prestigious and exclusive scholarship. It was not an easy route to get through all the processes. I want to put in a part of the news about this scholarship that I read from the Star newspaper online.
"...a total of 816 applications were received with 508 meeting the criteria. Of this number, 100 were short listed to attend a camp and 68 were called for an interview."
So we can see that it's a rigorous selection process to go through before the final 50 recipients were selected. Congrats again to those who was successful.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Nice One...

"This is the stuff that I'm talking about...(WILD AFRICA CREAM)"
(Just a simple design done by me, I'm not an expert in editing picture)
Well, I'll take a sip of it again today after a tiring one week doing assignments only (sitting in front the laptop for whole day) and also before I go back to my uni tomorrow morning. A small reward for myself I guess...hehe... Anyway it's really a very nice wine and should give it a try, just for relaxation okay...
Saturday, August 23, 2008

A one week break but I don't have a proper rest...huhu... So sad... Every day wake up in the morning, have my breakfast then on my laptop and sitting there for whole day till mid night. My eyes so tired, looking at the laptop all the time and also the books and jurnals. In between of course sometimes I do leave my laptop when I went out with my mom or met up with my friend. Well, I guess I am too slow and steady...haha... That's why take such a long time to complete one task. Anyway I am not doing my work in a stress up condition. I am doing it in a relaxing way and at the same time worry of not able to finish in time...hehe...
I have another problem...this few days I'm not comfortable sitting on the chair. Having some pain...hehe... Well, lack of fruit and liquid consumption I guess. That's why I'm having hemorrhoid (swelling and inflammation of veins in the anus). Some more it's an external hemorrhoid, so can feel the swelling and pain especially when I defecate. Anyway should be okay after this as I'm taking the traditional medicine for piles. That's all in this post, gotta continue doing my assignments...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
So Careless!!!
At first, I thought it will take about one and a half hours or two hours. Well, there were too many things that we talked and shared. As such we were there for three hours. So at 5pm we went back home and I sent her back because I was driving. Then reached home, took out everything from my pocket (too lazy to bring bag, put all my stuff in pocket). My handphone, my keys and when I wanted to take out my purse from my back pocket then only I realized that my purse is missing.
I was in a shock... I was thinking...where is my purse??? I calmed down and was thinking so positively...maybe dropped it in my car. Rushed out of the house and checked out my car. Oh no...there's nothing in my car!!! The next thing I do is...I quickly take my handphone and key then directly drive out to the KFC together with my youngest brother without thinking much about what I am doing. (at this moment I was like having a heart attack...) At that time, the main road is jammed because there was an accident and I took the 'taman' road and was driving kinda fast.
Once reached there, quickly walked into the KFC and went direct to the counter there. I was just about to ask about my purse but the lady there responded even faster than I am. She asked me...looking for purse is it? I said yes and in my mind I really hope that everything is there. Then she told me to wait for a while and she will get it for me from the office. I waited there for a while.
Finally, I saw her taking my purse to return it back to me. When she returned the purse to me, she said sorry for opening up my purse because they wanted to search if there's any contact number that they can contact. I said it's ok and thank her after I checked my purse and everything is inside there.
Really very lucky because realize it early and all my stuff inside the purse not missing. If not then will have to waste a lot of time and car petrol to go to the police station, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara and also bank. Thanks a lot to the staff of Ayer Tawar KFC because help me to keep my purse secure.
So after this if I'm having my purse in my pocket again, I'll have it checked every minute...hahaha... Anyway must be more careful in the future. Might be lucky for the first time but maybe not for the next. I don't know is this a situation that can be considered lucky or not...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Mid Sem Break
So many things to do in this one week break. Don't know whether can get everything done or not. Furthermore I'm a person that want a perfect or near perfect work being done especially in all the assignments. So when this happen, I need to take quite a long time to finish up one task. I can't afford to lose all the points that we actually can gain if we do the assignments in the proper and perfect way especially for my major subject which is 60% on assignments. Most of the university and education subjects are 50% on assignments.
Those I mentioned are not the only assignments I need to do but those are which we need to hand in and be prepared after the mid sem break. There are still other assignments but the due date is a bit late (Tennis:manual book & microteaching, Netball:manual book & microteaching, Badminton:manual book, Communicative English II:interview & report, Motor Learning:individual journal review, presentation & lab research+report, Exercise Physiology:lab test comparison).
Well, in university life...full of assignments to be done and what we have done in the assignments+presentation will also affect the pointer. So must do it at the maximum effort. Look like it's all about assignments stuff in this post...hahaha... Last but not least, tonight wanna spare my time watching television, the badminton men's singles final competition between Lee Chong Wei (Malaysia) and Lin Dan (China). Pray hard that Lee Chong Wei will be at his top form and perform well then win the match and bring back the very first Olympic gold medal for Malaysia.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
After One Week...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Second Surgery!!!
Just like what happen to me on this appendicitis surgery, it's really an unexpected one. In my previous blog, I stated there that hopefully it's not appendix. Well, not a good guess there. So that night (1/8/2008) my mom rushing all over from Ayer Tawar (about 7:15pm) to Tanjung Malim just to take me to hospital in Ipoh as she also suspected that I had appendicitis. All the way from Tanjung Malim to Ipoh my mom was speeding (around 100km/hr to 150km/hr) just to get me to the hospital in time. [I really owe you a lot, mom...]
Arrived at the Hospital Pantai Putri Ipoh about 11pm if I'm not mistaken and was checked by the doctor immediately. With the condition I stated and physical check by the doctor, was confirmed that I'm having appendicitis and was admitted into the ward that night. By 12am, I cannot consume any food and drinks because I'll have my surgery the next morning. So just have some rest before the operation in the next morning.
The day has come (2/8/2008)...I'll have my appendix remove during the surgery. I was brought into the operation room at about 8:45am and was given general anaesthetic. Then I was asleep, don't know what is happening. If I have the chance, sure I would like to have a look on how they did the surgery...hehe... About 10am, I was awake but felt very weak and felt so pain on my abdomen. They put me on observation outside the operation room for about half an hour before took me back into my room. When was back in my room, the nurse did show my mom the appendix which was taken out and kept in a bottle. I also had a look on it but not clear because I was still blur and felt so weak at that moment.
On that day, only rest on the bed without consuming any food but took some drinks. In the evening, I vomitted once which is after I was given injection to relieve pain and also to avoid me from vomitting. Felt so weak so I just slept the whole Saturday... Then come Sunday (3/8/2008) when I can have light meal and some little movement. At first in the morning felt like want to vomit which causes me being afraid to consume more food. Anyway the condition got better in the afternoon and I was allowed to discharge from the hospital. In evening all the process was done and I went back home in Ayer Tawar together with my mom.
This few days only have some rest at home and if the condition is getting better and better then will be back to uni soon. Can't afford to miss all those lectures. Also so many assignments to do... Then will have the mid sem break from 18/8/2008 to 24/8/2008.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Arghh...Not Feeling Well...
The next day (Wednesday,30 July 2008), in the morning I was still in a good condition so after lecture at 1pm stayback in campus because wanted to have a pre-test of my group's lab test which will be in next week. Everything was done in the evening, felt very tired so bought my dinner and went back to hostel immediately. On the way back to hostel, felt uncomfortable already (something wrong with my body system) and when reached hostel immediately took my bath and rest.
When I woke up from my sleep at night, my body was in a very unusual hot condition. My housemates also got a shock because I was extremely hot and I can felt it all over my body internally and externally. I thought it'll be better the next day after I took some rest that night because I sweat kinda lot also. So just sleep as usual that night but of course not feeling very comfortable with the extremely hot condition.
On Thursday (31 July 2008), thought the condition would be better but still in hot condition. Luckily there's only one class to be attended so I did attend the lecture in the morning which is about 2 hours. After lecture finished, quickly went back to hostel to have some rest because felt uneasy after stayed in the air-conditioned lecture room for 2 hours. The whole day I have been resting only and there's something went wrong with my abdomen in the evening. When I walked, I felt there's pain on the lower right side of my abdomen. At night, my housemates took me to the university's panel clinic because afraid that my condition will be getting worst.
After being checked by the doctor, was told that I had pain on my large intestine. So was advised by the doctor to have some rest and see how's the progress in this few days. If the condition is not getting better then will need to have blood test. Then went back to hostel with the medicine provided and was hoping that everything will be fine the next morning so that I can attend my classes without missing any.
So woke up in the morning (1 August 2008) hoping that I'm fit enough to attend classes but it didn't happen as I hope to because when I woke up and walked out of my room, I felt drowsy and felt like lack of energy. Today the condition of my abdomen doesn't seems like getting better because when I lift up my right leg, I can feel the pain on my lower region of my right side abdomen. I'm not sure what is that and I really hope that it's not appendix.