Lazy to write descriptions for each of the photos lar...so just look at the photos lor...hehe... Maybe when I'm free next time I'll took some of the photos of the Beach Bistro which is in Teluk Batik also. The place not bad lar...
Lazy to write descriptions for each of the photos lar...so just look at the photos lor...hehe... Maybe when I'm free next time I'll took some of the photos of the Beach Bistro which is in Teluk Batik also. The place not bad lar...
"This is where I sat"
"The emergency door"
"Look safe right..."
"Really a 'kampung' feel here"
"Side view..."
"Front view..."
"This is my condition when doing my work in the hot..."
"A photo session in the waiting room before the interview starts"
Our interview session started at 10:35a.m. and ended at about 11:40a.m. Everything went on smoothly and the captain was very co operative during the session. From the interview also we get to know more about shipping industry in Malaysia because before this we don't know much about shipping. This is a good opportunity for us because it's not easy to set an appointment with a captain to spend some time for interview as he also has a lot of work to do.
"Before the interview kick off..."
"This is the Captain that we interviewed"
"The Captain explaining something to us"
"Presenting souvenier to the captain"
"This is the souvenier that we gave the captain"
"This is the collar button badge given by the company (cute and nice)"
Went back directly to Tanjung Malim after everything is settled. So start journey at 12:15p.m and reached UPSI at about 1:00p.m. Took lunch because kinda hungry and after that attend the class at 2:00p.m.
"This is the view of my study table which is in such a mess"
Haiya...so bad right. A bed was suppose to be a comfortable place to sleep and relax our body but then I've use it for doing my work on it...hahaha... So my bed is kinda mess up also with books and papers all over. Haiz...what a bad attitude here...hehe..."The mess up bed..."
"Our mentor giving speech before 'buka puasa'"
"Listening to the speech"
He stopped his speech and there's a short prayer by one of my friend before everybody started to have the meal. Everyone seems like was enjoying the meal and chit chatting with each other since we don't always have this opportunity to sit down together and have meal. So after the meal, our mentor continued with his speech and advices. Anyone with any queries may also raise the question to him and we discuss the matter together.
"That's the guy who will lead the prayer"
"Let's have drinks..."
"Self-service...take your own meal"
Lastly was the ceremony of giving souvenier to our mentor but he didn't want to accept it and he gave those souveniers to the three person who was in the Dean's List for last semester. Although just a simple gathering at simple location with simple meal but it's a golden opportunity for us to get together as it is not easy to set a time where everybody can attend an event being organized. Of course before going back to the hostel, some photo session with friends...