Haiya...there are too many posts to be posted up here and I don't have enough time doing it. I am suppose to concentrate on my revision for my final exam which will begin next week but then there are too many things going on...haha...(it's good to be a bit relax rather than study only for the whole day/whole week). Anyway I'll post up some of them tomorrow if I am free to do so...hopefully...
By the way, I'll go back to Tanjung Malim next week to sit for my final exam which will start on 4 November 2008 and as such there will be less post by next week unless the wireless connection there is okay...
The following are the dates of my final exam for this semester. Kinda relax because there is gap in between some of the exam.
--> 4 November 2008 : Communicative English II (2:30 p.m.)
--> 5 November 2008 : Pedagogi Pendidikan (2:30 p.m.)
--> 10 November 2008 : Pemikiran Strategik & Inovatif (2:30 p.m.)
--> 19 November 2008 : Exercise Physiology II (9:oo a.m.)
--> 19 November 2008 : Pembelajaran Motor (2:30 p.m.)
But then I don't like the last day schedule of the exam. Both are important subject which is my major subject and have to take both on the same day... Have to take it also lor...what to do...
Wishing all my friends good luck and all the best ...
Gambateh to myself as well...hehe...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Homemade 'Bak Kut Teh'
Yeah...mom's cooking is always the best. On 27 October 2008, my mom prepared 'bak kut teh' for our dinner that night. Such a long time I didn't have 'bak kut teh' already and as such my mom prepared it so that I can have a taste on it before I go back to Tanjung Malim again next week.

Yum...yum...really very nice...hehe... It will be so nice if I do have all my mom's cooking skill. She is really very good in cooking and if I have those skills will be so nice, so that I can cook what ever I like to eat...haha... Must learn it from my mom someday...

Yum...yum...really very nice...hehe... It will be so nice if I do have all my mom's cooking skill. She is really very good in cooking and if I have those skills will be so nice, so that I can cook what ever I like to eat...haha... Must learn it from my mom someday...
Deepavali Celebration
This year only went to Uma's house lor...some more there were only a few of us and also other Indian friends not back in Ayer Tawar. So as usual went to her house about noon like that because she prepared thosai for us.
It's nice lor...every time when we visit her during the Deepavali sure we'll be having the thosai. When we reached her house, firstly we just sat at the living room having some cookies and drinks. When the thosai is done, we were invited to have it in the dining room.

There were 7 of us...me, Siew Loong, Alan, Wei Kien, Keh Jiun, Jenan and Hok Hing. As usual lar...the person that eat the most is Ding Siew Loong...hahaha... He even treated Uma like his servant pula...so bad... Asking for more thosai lar...curry lar...drinks lar...hahaha...

It's nice lor...every time when we visit her during the Deepavali sure we'll be having the thosai. When we reached her house, firstly we just sat at the living room having some cookies and drinks. When the thosai is done, we were invited to have it in the dining room.

There were 7 of us...me, Siew Loong, Alan, Wei Kien, Keh Jiun, Jenan and Hok Hing. As usual lar...the person that eat the most is Ding Siew Loong...hahaha... He even treated Uma like his servant pula...so bad... Asking for more thosai lar...curry lar...drinks lar...hahaha...
Finish eating we chit chat for a while in the living room and Uma's mom gave us "duit Deepavali"...don't know how to mention because Chinese we call it "ang pau" and Malay we call it "duit raya". Then before we went back home, we took photos with Uma and also with her mom as well.
Because it's a very hot day (27 October 2008), Siew Loong suggested that we have some refreshment at Taman Jasmin there before everyone goes home. So we went there and ordered ais kacang and ice ball. Siew Loong ordered so many things at one time but all that for himself only...haha... If I'm not mistaken he ordered 2 ice balls and also having additional drinks. After that everyone went back home.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
City Kopitiam
That day (26 October 2008) in evening about 3:00 p.m. like that Siew Loong came and returned the BBQ stuff to me. So he asked me to go out as well to Seri Manjung and makan makan...with a few of our friends also lar... Then I said okay and he continued his journey to take Wei Kien and Alan.

While waiting for Alan, we went to Cikgu Azmi's house to visit him. So we stopped by there kinda long lor...eating and chit chatting. Forgot to take photos...hehe... Too busy talking and Ling Zhou also joined us there. Then at 6:00 p.m. we departed from Cikgu Azmi's house to Seri Manjung.
There were altogether 6 of us. Pity Kuan Siong, Alan, Wei Kien and Ling Zhou lor...they have to squeeze at the back seat because I'm the only girl so I sit in front lor... So we reached City Kopitiam in Seri Manjung, ordered our drinks and food. Siew Loong recommended the tom yum in coconut and as such all of us ordered the same thing except Wei Kien.

After finish eating, it's about 7:30 p.m. if I'm not mistaken. No programme anymore, so Siew Loong sent us back. All the way he picked us up in Ayer Tawar...took us to Seri Manjung...sent us back in Ayer Tawar...then himself back to Seri Manjung... Really a good driver...haha...
Monday, October 27, 2008
I was back on 25/10/2008, reached home at 7:00 p.m. then took down all my stuff from my car. Kinda lot actually because everything I packed back...hahaha... So after arranging all my stuff and keep everything then took my bath because that night also got BBQ to attend (Siew Loong's birthday party in advance).

Then because it's kinda late liao and my time limit is 12 a.m. so I miss the chance of eating the cake...huhu... I'm sure that both the cake very nice one... So after singing the song and taking photos, I went back home. Was speeding also because it's 11:55 p.m. already...haha...

Reached Ayer Tawar, stopped by at the stall buying 'koey teow goreng' for my youngest brother. So waited there for a while and finally reached home at about 12:30 a.m. if I'm not mistaken...hehe... Then sleep lor after taking the food... So damn tired actually because I was attending the badminton class in evening (2pm-4pm) before I drove back to Ayer Tawar then to Seri Manjung BBQ.
Actually his birthday is on 28 October 2008(Tuesday) but he bring forward and do it on Saturday. The purpose is so that more people can attend and celebrate with him...hahaha... Smart guy... But never mind for me lar...I am on study week break, so not a problem for me.
So I went to his house in Seri Manjung together with my sister at about 9 or 9:30 p.m. like that. Kinda late already actually but attend also lar...(bagi muka...)...hehe... So reached there, self service of course and if I'm not mistaken altogether I took about 4 or 5 pieces of the chicken and kinda lot of sausages.

Then because it's kinda late liao and my time limit is 12 a.m. so I miss the chance of eating the cake...huhu... I'm sure that both the cake very nice one... So after singing the song and taking photos, I went back home. Was speeding also because it's 11:55 p.m. already...haha...

Reached Ayer Tawar, stopped by at the stall buying 'koey teow goreng' for my youngest brother. So waited there for a while and finally reached home at about 12:30 a.m. if I'm not mistaken...hehe... Then sleep lor after taking the food... So damn tired actually because I was attending the badminton class in evening (2pm-4pm) before I drove back to Ayer Tawar then to Seri Manjung BBQ.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm Back
I'm back in Ayer Tawar yesterday night (25 October 2008). Such a tiring journey yesterday, although I'm speeding but still reached kinda late because of the traffic jam in Bidor. The jam is kinda long and then in Tapah also such a bad traffic jam. Now my left leg kinda sore...haha...because of the clutch lor...(manual car).
Before I drove back, I packed up all my things to bring home because this semester end already and now just left the final exam in November. I packed my things on Friday night (24/10/2008). Kinda lots of things lor...took me about 2 hours to finish packing all my stuff...hahaha...
Before packing up all my stuff...

After packing up all my stuff...

Yesterday during my journey back to Ayer Tawar, there's one car in front of me I don't know either he know how to drive professionally or not. Kinda tension follow behind him, some more he was driving a Volvo. Made me really very angry and irritated because he kept on braking and braking unnecessarily. No skill betul lar...
Don't bother about that lar...but really very irritated... One more thing I wanna write down in here is that, speeding really finish up the petrol very very fast. Yesterday I really felt that because I was speeding all the way back except during the traffic jam. From half tank, it is now almost at the empty level after I went to and back Seri Manjung yesterday night (attending Ding Siew Loong's birthday party after I reached home, so really very tired). So the next post will be about the birthday party.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Boring.....!!! Why sometimes this life is so boring...???
Study--->boring... No study--->boring...
Work--->boring... No work--->boring...
Holiday--->boring... No holiday--->boring...
Movie--->boring... No movie--->boring...
Hm...everything I do or not doing also seems boring to me sometimes. Why...??? Why there is boredom in me...??? Especially now when I am suppose to be ready for this semester final exam which will be in November but sometimes I was like so blur and don't know what to do. Sometimes feel so lonely...
Is there something missing from me...???
Or I am looking or searching for something...???
I don't know either...sometimes kinda confuse and don't wanna think much about it.
Maybe sometimes I make my life complicated...
Maybe sometimes I make up a lot of query to myself...
Maybe sometimes I am emotional...
Hm...don't know what I am blogging here, crapping I guess...
I don't have any idea regarding this post and I think that I am just to get over the time.
Wasting the time without doing anything...day dreaming (but nothing to dream of)...
That's it lar... I also don't know what's the purpose I post up this topic.
Study--->boring... No study--->boring...
Work--->boring... No work--->boring...
Holiday--->boring... No holiday--->boring...
Movie--->boring... No movie--->boring...
Hm...everything I do or not doing also seems boring to me sometimes. Why...??? Why there is boredom in me...??? Especially now when I am suppose to be ready for this semester final exam which will be in November but sometimes I was like so blur and don't know what to do. Sometimes feel so lonely...
Is there something missing from me...???
Or I am looking or searching for something...???
I don't know either...sometimes kinda confuse and don't wanna think much about it.
Maybe sometimes I make my life complicated...
Maybe sometimes I make up a lot of query to myself...
Maybe sometimes I am emotional...
Hm...don't know what I am blogging here, crapping I guess...
I don't have any idea regarding this post and I think that I am just to get over the time.
Wasting the time without doing anything...day dreaming (but nothing to dream of)...
That's it lar... I also don't know what's the purpose I post up this topic.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Third Semester
Time flies by so fast. I was like just came in for my second year study which is also my third semester in UPSI but now it's the last week of the study already for this semester. Next week we have 1 week study week break then having the final exam in November.
So I'll be going back to Ayer Tawar on this Saturday (25/10/2008). Kinda excited and feel like want to reach home as soon as possible...haha... It's not that I'm homesick but because of the "makan makan stuff"...hahaha...which I really enjoy very much when ever I'm back in hometown.
Anyway I gotta delay my journey going back home because my badminton activity in the morning has been delayed to evening, so I can only depart from Tanjung Malim in evening after the badminton activity...huhu...
So when back at there want to go to my teachers' house, they were not at home during Hari Raya so they invited me to go over when I'm back from Tanjung Malim. Then on Deepavali, again will go out to my friends' house...haha...as usual la...eat, eat, and eat stuff...haha...
All my manual books done already. So now left only one more thing to finish up which is the Motor Learning lab report. Hooray...finally will get over all those assignments stuff. Then gotta be prepared for the final exam.
So I'll be going back to Ayer Tawar on this Saturday (25/10/2008). Kinda excited and feel like want to reach home as soon as possible...haha... It's not that I'm homesick but because of the "makan makan stuff"...hahaha...which I really enjoy very much when ever I'm back in hometown.
Anyway I gotta delay my journey going back home because my badminton activity in the morning has been delayed to evening, so I can only depart from Tanjung Malim in evening after the badminton activity...huhu...
So when back at there want to go to my teachers' house, they were not at home during Hari Raya so they invited me to go over when I'm back from Tanjung Malim. Then on Deepavali, again will go out to my friends' house...haha...as usual la...eat, eat, and eat stuff...haha...
All my manual books done already. So now left only one more thing to finish up which is the Motor Learning lab report. Hooray...finally will get over all those assignments stuff. Then gotta be prepared for the final exam.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Free Paper!!!
Was attending the Pedagogi Pendidikan class just now morning (8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.) and at first I was the only one in the class at 7:45 a.m. At 7:50 a.m. the lecturer arrived and was kinda shock at first because I'm the only one. Then only she realized that she came early today.
However, a lot people came late (after 8:00 a.m.) and the lecturer got kinda angry with the attitude of not being punctual attending class. So those people that came late were required to write down their names on a piece of paper indicating "LEWAT"...
The first one hour the lecturer just share her school life experience with all of us and she really hopes that we can change the bad attitude to become a better teacher in the future because a teacher will be a role model in school. She used to be a discipline teacher, so there were a lot of cases handled by her and some were very serious problem.
Now the main point regarding the title of this post..."Free Paper!!!"... Why I said so? I was wondering what the hack they were bringing to attend class. Just now the lecturer gave us practices to do and need to hand in the paper to her, then there were about 10 people asking for paper from me!!! What the... I became free paper distributor just now. Kinda irritated actually, it's not that I'm selfish but as a university students those were the basic things lar...
Come on lar...not small kids anymore. This simple thing also can't handle. Sometimes I just don't understand what is the purpose they come to university as an undergraduate students... Haiz...some more teacher-to-be...
However, a lot people came late (after 8:00 a.m.) and the lecturer got kinda angry with the attitude of not being punctual attending class. So those people that came late were required to write down their names on a piece of paper indicating "LEWAT"...
The first one hour the lecturer just share her school life experience with all of us and she really hopes that we can change the bad attitude to become a better teacher in the future because a teacher will be a role model in school. She used to be a discipline teacher, so there were a lot of cases handled by her and some were very serious problem.
Now the main point regarding the title of this post..."Free Paper!!!"... Why I said so? I was wondering what the hack they were bringing to attend class. Just now the lecturer gave us practices to do and need to hand in the paper to her, then there were about 10 people asking for paper from me!!! What the... I became free paper distributor just now. Kinda irritated actually, it's not that I'm selfish but as a university students those were the basic things lar...
Come on lar...not small kids anymore. This simple thing also can't handle. Sometimes I just don't understand what is the purpose they come to university as an undergraduate students... Haiz...some more teacher-to-be...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Blue Black...
Hm...yesterday(15/10/2008) kinda boring because the afternoon class is cancel, so just stayed at hostel doing my manual book the whole day. So at night after taking my dinner and bath, I looked at my knee again...
Oh gosh...it has became worsen because I forgot to put on ointment. As such became blue black already and kinda pain. So I put on ointment and rubbed on it. At first I rubbed kinda hard and I was like...ouch...so painful man... Then I rubbed softly and felt more comfortable.

Oh gosh...it has became worsen because I forgot to put on ointment. As such became blue black already and kinda pain. So I put on ointment and rubbed on it. At first I rubbed kinda hard and I was like...ouch...so painful man... Then I rubbed softly and felt more comfortable.
"Taken in the morning at 10:12 a.m."

"Taken at night at 8:15 p.m. "
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fell Down...!!!
Yesterday night (14/10/2008) was attending the netball class from 8:00 p.m till 11:00 p.m. Firstly, we were having our skills test which consist of passing, shooting and footwork. For the skills of passing and footwork not much problem for me but the shooting skill was such a disaster, only shot in one. Each of the skills is 10%, so altogether 30% and for the shooting skill 5% on the correct technique and another 5% depends on how many successful shot we can get (1 shot will get 1%).
That was an introduction only, so now wanna talk about how I fell down yesterday night...hahaha... After everyone is tested on the skills, there were microteaching because still left a few groups that haven't done it. Together with a few friends of my batch, we joined in one of the microteaching group which taught us on side ball passing.
As usual, the normal procedure which consist of introduction, warming up, step by step of the skill, peak(games), cooling down and conclusion. Everything went on well when learning the skills taught by the microteaching group members. So came the peak hour of the microteaching session which is the game. They held a captain ball game but we were required to only pass the ball sideway which means we were required to apply the skill being taught in the game.
Well, I was too excited I guess...haha... At one moment of the game, I wanted to defend the ball from reaching my opponent so I was guarding her all around and suddenly I tripped over her leg and fell down. It was kinda painful at that moment but I was thinking...just a small matter la... Some more at that time when I fell down, I was not really at a very fast pace. Anyway the impact was kinda big which causes me to feel more painful today...

That was an introduction only, so now wanna talk about how I fell down yesterday night...hahaha... After everyone is tested on the skills, there were microteaching because still left a few groups that haven't done it. Together with a few friends of my batch, we joined in one of the microteaching group which taught us on side ball passing.
As usual, the normal procedure which consist of introduction, warming up, step by step of the skill, peak(games), cooling down and conclusion. Everything went on well when learning the skills taught by the microteaching group members. So came the peak hour of the microteaching session which is the game. They held a captain ball game but we were required to only pass the ball sideway which means we were required to apply the skill being taught in the game.
Well, I was too excited I guess...haha... At one moment of the game, I wanted to defend the ball from reaching my opponent so I was guarding her all around and suddenly I tripped over her leg and fell down. It was kinda painful at that moment but I was thinking...just a small matter la... Some more at that time when I fell down, I was not really at a very fast pace. Anyway the impact was kinda big which causes me to feel more painful today...
"See the swollen area..."

"See the difference between both of my knee..."
"Have a clearer look on this close up of the swollen area"
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Road Block
Yesterday night I have class from 8:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. Usually for the Monday night class I will take the bus because want to save petrol but yesterday I planned to go back hostel as soon as possible because got presentation stuff to discuss with my group members, so I drove my car instead.
The class finished a bit late, at about 10:15 p.m. because the lecturer wants us to finish up all the presentation of our journal writing stuff. So I quickly drove my car to go back hostel, immediately after the class dismissed. As such, I didn't put on my seat belt. Some more I was thinking, haiya nothing lar...so don't bother about it.
After turned right at the traffic light junction, I drove kinda fast to overtake the car in front of me which was so damn slow. Then I kept on driving at about 100km/hr at this small town and about 200 metres like that, suddenly I saw a road block. I was not afraid because I have a valid driving license but I haven't put on my seat belt.
Slowed down my car and was trying to put on the seat belt but then the seat belt 'cari pasal pula'... I kept on pulling and pulling for a few times but it was stucked. Kinda tension also at that time and at the very last minute upon reaching the policemen I had successfully put on my seat belt. Know what...they were not checking on cars but on motorcycles. I was like...arrghhh...making me panic to put on the seat belt but didn't check on me. Was not relieved but angry instead...hahaha...
So the moral of the story for me at this situation is to put on seat belt everytime...haha... Anyway I am suppose to put it on la...for safety... Is that right? Of course if it's in my hometown, the small town area there most of the time I didn't put on the seat belt unless going to Sitiawan, Seri Manjung or Lumut...and etc...
The class finished a bit late, at about 10:15 p.m. because the lecturer wants us to finish up all the presentation of our journal writing stuff. So I quickly drove my car to go back hostel, immediately after the class dismissed. As such, I didn't put on my seat belt. Some more I was thinking, haiya nothing lar...so don't bother about it.
After turned right at the traffic light junction, I drove kinda fast to overtake the car in front of me which was so damn slow. Then I kept on driving at about 100km/hr at this small town and about 200 metres like that, suddenly I saw a road block. I was not afraid because I have a valid driving license but I haven't put on my seat belt.
Slowed down my car and was trying to put on the seat belt but then the seat belt 'cari pasal pula'... I kept on pulling and pulling for a few times but it was stucked. Kinda tension also at that time and at the very last minute upon reaching the policemen I had successfully put on my seat belt. Know what...they were not checking on cars but on motorcycles. I was like...arrghhh...making me panic to put on the seat belt but didn't check on me. Was not relieved but angry instead...hahaha...
So the moral of the story for me at this situation is to put on seat belt everytime...haha... Anyway I am suppose to put it on la...for safety... Is that right? Of course if it's in my hometown, the small town area there most of the time I didn't put on the seat belt unless going to Sitiawan, Seri Manjung or Lumut...and etc...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wireless Internet Connection
Haiz...always the same matter to be brought up. What the... Really don't like this situation. The last few days the connection so damn bad. There's signal indicating that the connection is connected but then when want to browse the internet:
1) Internet explorer can not display the page.
2) Incorrect configuration.
It is really very inconvenient for us because need to find sources from the websites and as all these problems arise then we can't do anything. Can only look at the screen of our laptop sadly and hopelessly. Even though we had post up our complaint and comments in the online forum but I don't know is there any action being taken to solve the problem or they didn't even notice the messages that we had post up.
Actually there's a few things I want to blog regarding what's going on here but because of the stupid, slow, weak and sometimes no connection then I got to refresh back what is the blog that I wanted to post up. Now I'm so tired because of.......... I'll post up about it in the upcoming blog la... Wanna have some rest... (Even I want to post up this post also got problem...)
1) Internet explorer can not display the page.
2) Incorrect configuration.
It is really very inconvenient for us because need to find sources from the websites and as all these problems arise then we can't do anything. Can only look at the screen of our laptop sadly and hopelessly. Even though we had post up our complaint and comments in the online forum but I don't know is there any action being taken to solve the problem or they didn't even notice the messages that we had post up.
Actually there's a few things I want to blog regarding what's going on here but because of the stupid, slow, weak and sometimes no connection then I got to refresh back what is the blog that I wanted to post up. Now I'm so tired because of.......... I'll post up about it in the upcoming blog la... Wanna have some rest... (Even I want to post up this post also got problem...)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Birthday Celebration
Happy Birthday to my sister... Today is her birthday (10/10/2008) so I sent a message to her and wished her Happy Birthday. Know what she replied... She said I'm so late... What the... It's just that I didn't wish her by 12 mid night but then I still wish her what. Doesn't matter la... So nice, they were having tiramisu cake at home and I have nothing here...huhu...
So I wanna blog about the birthday celebration of my family members. Since I was studying in UPSI starting from last year, so I will have to miss all their birthday celebration except my own birthday and my younger brother birthday. Mine of course won't miss because it's in May during my sem break and also school holiday as well...hehe...so sure celebrate it together with my family.
Then come my mother's birthday in August followed by my father in September. Oh yeah...by the way, all their birthday are in continuous month except me. October my younger sister's birthday and then my youngest brother in November and lastly my younger brother in December. See...every year I will miss four birthday celebration and the cake...haha...
Hm...what to do, I can only look at the photos of their cake lar if being taken...haha... Anyway I'm okay with it lar...just that will miss the moment of celebrating their birthday together. Well, my main purpose is to eat the cake...hahaha...(just joking la...).
So I wanna blog about the birthday celebration of my family members. Since I was studying in UPSI starting from last year, so I will have to miss all their birthday celebration except my own birthday and my younger brother birthday. Mine of course won't miss because it's in May during my sem break and also school holiday as well...hehe...so sure celebrate it together with my family.
Then come my mother's birthday in August followed by my father in September. Oh yeah...by the way, all their birthday are in continuous month except me. October my younger sister's birthday and then my youngest brother in November and lastly my younger brother in December. See...every year I will miss four birthday celebration and the cake...haha...
Hm...what to do, I can only look at the photos of their cake lar if being taken...haha... Anyway I'm okay with it lar...just that will miss the moment of celebrating their birthday together. Well, my main purpose is to eat the cake...hahaha...(just joking la...).
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hm...for the past one week during the Hari Raya break when I was back in hometown, I eat and eat and eat for a few days. My stomach really very full. I was back in hometown on 26 September 2008 then the next night (27 September 2008) my auntie invited us out for a supper. Actually I was still very full after having my dinner, so for that supper I ate fried rice, banana boat, mango, honey dew juice...
Then on 28 September 2008 (Sunday) after attending church service, my auntie brought us to have breakfast. That morning itself also ate a few things because each of us order different types of noodles and shared all that. There were prawn mee, mee rebus, mee kicap, fried koey teow and there's another one I don't know how to mention it in Malay or English. That was at about 11:00 a.m. and a few hours after that having my lunch. My stomach was really filled to the maximum I guess...haha...
Hm...can't remember which night, went out with my mom and sister to Capri in Lumut. Having supper with my mom's friends there. As usual ordered a few things and shared together. We ordered ice blended coffee, ice blended coffee with ice cream, ice blended mocha with ice cream and another one ice blended what...can't remember la... That's for drinks and as for food, there were mushroom soup, garlic bread, fried chicken wing, chicken chop, spaghetti, and fish what...what's the name I forgot lar... Total cost us about RM140++... So that's another supper for me...
After that, during the second day of Hari Raya (2 October 2008) also eat and eat and eat during the visiting to teachers' and friends' houses. Altogether had went to five houses only but the stuff was eating...cookies, cakes, kuih, mee, rice... Well, it's a day filled with food...
On 3 October 2008 (Friday), went to Ipoh with my parents. I wanted to look up for some stuff in Jaya Jusco, so my parents dropped me and my youngest brother there. Kinda hungry so we had lunch at Black Canyon Restaurant there. Ordered Family Set A which is for 2 persons and there were Spicy Tuna Salad, Chicken Tom Yum Soup, Fried Chicken with Cashew Nut and 2 Steamed Rice. Although only a few things but for 2 persons to finish up, it's kinda lot...

Here's something out of food and eat, eat, eat...haha... It's about my walk in Jaya Jusco with my youngest brother. After finished our lunch at about 1:30 p.m. we went into the shopping complex. Started walking from the first floor, at the shop outlets then into Jaya Jusco and then to the ground floor, also the same thing (shop outlets and then into Jaya Jusco). Finish rounding all the shops and departments, so we went up to the first floor again walking and looking around. Actually got a few stuff to buy but not enough $$$ (broke lar...)... So just walking and looking only for 4 hours there...!!! (Anyone of you that like to walk around can invite me to join...haha...)
Last part about eat...eat...eat... On 4 October 2008 (Saturday) was invited to a friend's brother wedding dinner which was held in Sitiawan. So also eating only lor...there were 9 dishes being served if I'm not mistaken. Kinda enjoying myself there with a few friends of mine, took beer and also red wine at the same time...haha...crazy right... But it's okay lar...because not taking much and the percentage of the alcohol also not high.
So that's all about the food stuff for the whole week of my Hari Raya break. Only got photos for the one in Ipoh and the others didn't took photos lor... Maybe next time if I'm having any eat...eat...eat...stuff again...haha... By the way, I like to eat also lar...especially to places I haven't try out. (Do ask me to join in if anyone of you have nice place to eat...haha...)
Then on 28 September 2008 (Sunday) after attending church service, my auntie brought us to have breakfast. That morning itself also ate a few things because each of us order different types of noodles and shared all that. There were prawn mee, mee rebus, mee kicap, fried koey teow and there's another one I don't know how to mention it in Malay or English. That was at about 11:00 a.m. and a few hours after that having my lunch. My stomach was really filled to the maximum I guess...haha...
Hm...can't remember which night, went out with my mom and sister to Capri in Lumut. Having supper with my mom's friends there. As usual ordered a few things and shared together. We ordered ice blended coffee, ice blended coffee with ice cream, ice blended mocha with ice cream and another one ice blended what...can't remember la... That's for drinks and as for food, there were mushroom soup, garlic bread, fried chicken wing, chicken chop, spaghetti, and fish what...what's the name I forgot lar... Total cost us about RM140++... So that's another supper for me...
After that, during the second day of Hari Raya (2 October 2008) also eat and eat and eat during the visiting to teachers' and friends' houses. Altogether had went to five houses only but the stuff was eating...cookies, cakes, kuih, mee, rice... Well, it's a day filled with food...
On 3 October 2008 (Friday), went to Ipoh with my parents. I wanted to look up for some stuff in Jaya Jusco, so my parents dropped me and my youngest brother there. Kinda hungry so we had lunch at Black Canyon Restaurant there. Ordered Family Set A which is for 2 persons and there were Spicy Tuna Salad, Chicken Tom Yum Soup, Fried Chicken with Cashew Nut and 2 Steamed Rice. Although only a few things but for 2 persons to finish up, it's kinda lot...
"The 3 dishes we had..."

"Spicy Tuna Salad"

"Chicken Tom Yum Soup"

"Fried Chicken with Cashew Nut"
Here's something out of food and eat, eat, eat...haha... It's about my walk in Jaya Jusco with my youngest brother. After finished our lunch at about 1:30 p.m. we went into the shopping complex. Started walking from the first floor, at the shop outlets then into Jaya Jusco and then to the ground floor, also the same thing (shop outlets and then into Jaya Jusco). Finish rounding all the shops and departments, so we went up to the first floor again walking and looking around. Actually got a few stuff to buy but not enough $$$ (broke lar...)... So just walking and looking only for 4 hours there...!!! (Anyone of you that like to walk around can invite me to join...haha...)
Last part about eat...eat...eat... On 4 October 2008 (Saturday) was invited to a friend's brother wedding dinner which was held in Sitiawan. So also eating only lor...there were 9 dishes being served if I'm not mistaken. Kinda enjoying myself there with a few friends of mine, took beer and also red wine at the same time...haha...crazy right... But it's okay lar...because not taking much and the percentage of the alcohol also not high.
So that's all about the food stuff for the whole week of my Hari Raya break. Only got photos for the one in Ipoh and the others didn't took photos lor... Maybe next time if I'm having any eat...eat...eat...stuff again...haha... By the way, I like to eat also lar...especially to places I haven't try out. (Do ask me to join in if anyone of you have nice place to eat...haha...)
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