Saturday, November 1, 2008

Progress of Healing

In my previous post which I posted up last month, on how I fell down on 14 October 2008 and that was the worst one I had in my life. It took about 1 week++ to totally heal and I had never encountered this situation before (first time lor...).

So in this post actually just want to post up the photos of my swollen knee from the day I fell down till the day it is totally heal. The progress kinda funny, sometimes it looks like getting better but then after that it gets worse.

15/10/2008 (10:12 a.m.)

15/10/2008 (8:15 p.m.)

16/10/2008 (7:23 p.m.)

18/10/2008 (12:23 a.m.)

18/10/2008 (7:20 p.m.)

19/10/2008 (7:21 p.m.)

20/10/2008 (10:39 p.m.)

21/10/2008 (7:22 p.m.)

22/10/2008 (5:17 p.m.)

23/10/2008 (10:37 p.m.)

25/10/2008 (1:58 a.m.)


lcyu said...

ur leg healing progression looks as similar to menstrual cycle..I can see that ur ovulation occurs at 19/10/2008 (7:21 p.m.)..bleeding there..hahaha..anyway, take care next time lo~

Chiangの强 said...

lol yu study pharmacy til compared your wound with menstrual cycle~~ hahaha manyak bagus punya compare!!! hope it won't bleed again~~~

Looi said...

lol yu....
compare like this...
i guess this sem u study menstrual cycle and u try to apply it in some way...

hope your "menstrual" wound will heal soon.

Unknown said...

a very good idea of comparison...not too bad...
by the way, it's now totally 100% heal already("clean")...hehe...

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